14734561953 artstung@gmail.com


I shall miss Domžalski dom. This has been my place of refuge and sanctuary for the past week. I shall miss the hot coffees – with fresh milk! – the friendliness of the hardworking ladies on staff, especially Maria Nadvesnik (photo right), who never seemed to stop smiling while handling multiple orders and juggling trays filled with the delicious food provided by the owner Lojze… not to be confused with the other 3 Lojzes also in residence!

The staff at Domžalski dom

The staff at Domžalski dom. Photo by Lojze Kalinsek

I shall miss my twice daily walks in the crisp air, and the stunning celestial shows. I shall certainly not forget this morning’s sunrise… a smudge of vermillion with a kiss of cadmium yellow on a canvas of soft blue-grey mountain and pine tree silhouettes. This really needed a proof photo, but I was reluctant to leave the bliss of the morning quiet to fetch the camera.Lesson to self: camera – don’t leave home or dom, without it… and extra batteries. I shall miss the cows and their musical mantras.

Simply beautiful

Simply beautiful

Right after breakfast, it was down to work. Canvases selected, easels and tackle boxes. Sharp focus for the best place with the best light to capture the best scene. Several artists disappeared over the slopes to be closer to the Stans; others opted to remain close to the dom. Within half an hour, a silence settled, gently disturbed by the scratching of brush on canvas, cow bells in the distance, and an occasional smoker’s cough. That rhythm changed less than an hour later, when the weather dipped, and the bottle of schnapps came out. It all went uphill from there.

Veljko Toman and me, with my work. Photo by Ana Divkovic

I am thankful for the opportunity to meet and engage in conversation with Jurij Kravcov (painter), Vinko Železnikar (painter/ceramicist/glass artist) and Veljko Toman (painter/restorer), among others. I was so pleased to watch them create with effortless efficiency, and lots of laughter. As Toman told me, he paints what he wants, and just enjoys himself. It is a pity that I must depart for Aiud, Romania. They will remain on the mountain until this Sunday, painting, sharing. What stories I shall miss!


Watching Veljko Toman at work. Photo by Lojze Kalinsek

Since last Sunday, I have had the great pleasure of working with my comrades in paint, Irena Gayatri Horvat, Katarina Lauš and Ana Divkovic (Croatia) and Lojze Kalinsek (Slovenia). Exposure to the alpine environment and the scenery, as well as the methods of the other artists, means that my style has changed. As it should. My colours are still bold, and I was told that my work is ‘exotic’, as in different in a good way, from the local artform. Frankly, I hope I retain some of the Slovene artform to quieten and strengthen my future works.

Thank you Dušan Štrajhar for inviting me to this art camp, and for making me feel so welcome! I hope to be on Velika Planina in 2 years!