14734561953 artstung@gmail.com
Art Blog: Goodbye Velika Planina

Art Blog: Goodbye Velika Planina

FRIDAY 8 AUGUST I shall miss Domžalski dom. This has been my place of refuge and sanctuary for the past week. I shall miss the hot coffees – with fresh milk! – the friendliness of the hardworking ladies on staff, especially Maria Nadvesnik (photo right), who never...
Art Blog: Claiming The Mountain for Grenada

Art Blog: Claiming The Mountain for Grenada

THURSDAY 7 AUGUST Here we go again… climbing mountains. Right after breakfast, we left for our morning walk, except this time it was more of a climb, with the promise of fresh cow’s cheese and soured milk at the end. We took off at a leisurely pace, passing several...
Art Blog: Morning Mountain Walk

Art Blog: Morning Mountain Walk

WEDNESDAY 6 AUGUST It is just 730am, and I have already been to the top of the mountain across from the art camp, to see the Slovene world some 4500 feet below, or as much as I could see through the cloud cover. These walks, twice a day, have become routine to life...
Art Blog: Day 4 Velika Planina

Art Blog: Day 4 Velika Planina

TUESDAY 5 AUGUST Last night, we were in bed early enough, but did not really get to sleep, because there was a loud thunderstorm, with driving rain and lightning. And it was cold. It was really a dark and stormy night… and it lasted for over three hours. Earlier, we...
Art Blog: Velika Planina, Slovenia

Art Blog: Velika Planina, Slovenia

SUNDAY 3 AUGUST Velika Planina (big pasture) is about 4500 feet in the clouds. We had three changes of vehicles to get to the top, and we arrived close to 3pm to a fantastic scene out of the Hobbit meets the Sound of Music, later to transform into Lord of the Rings...