14734561953 artstung@gmail.com
In discussion over lunch, on the way forward for ourselves and for art in general

In discussion over lunch, on the way forward for ourselves and for art in general

Before we knew it, the last two days of November were upon us. At breakfast we discussed how fast the two weeks seemed to fly, and yes, we had 5 canvasses each to show for our fevered endeavours, but it seemed like we’d only just begun to explore the marvels of Haiti, at least as far as Petion Ville was concerned.

After the feast on Thanksgiving night, the next night we were hosted by Peter and Daphne for drinks and dinner. They were excellent hosts, and the ambiance of their house, and hospitality was second to none. I could’ve cheerfully slept on the patio, I was that comfortable. We’ve both been spoiled on this art camp – 3 prepared meals a day, access to a swimming pool, 14 hour days of personal and professional interaction, and tours of historic sites and places of interest, comfortable rooms with AC. That, plus painting from just after breakfast to just before dinner – yup, we’ve been spoiled. We’ve had our grey cells charged, and our creative juices in full flow, and as we looked at what we’ve accomplished and learned these past days, it’s going to be hard to readjust to life back at home after this.

The selection committee arrives on 2 December, just after breakfast to choose 3 out of the 5 canvasses we had to complete. The first canvas goes on display at the final exhibition, and the other two go into the ‘paintings for sponsors’ fund.

At the Brazilian Cultural Centre with Maxan, Nesly, Marcial and Domond

At the Brazilian Cultural Centre with Maxan, Nesly, Marcial and Domond

Today was a public engagement with young children and the camp artists at the Brazilian Cultural Centre. I’ve been down with flu-like symptoms, so I arrived late to this event, not really wanting to spread germs. Andrea said she enjoyed it, and I got all the gossip in between bites of pizza from Munchez, our lunch sponsor for today. We took a photo of some of the artists we work with: Maxan, Domond, Nesly, Marcial. The end of the camp is upon us, and though we’re excited to return home, we’re sorry already that we must leave.