Have I said that I love, love old towns? Especially ones with cobbled or stoned streets, painted walls and architectural quirks. That and the possibility of discovering a hidden bit of history, captivates me. This past week I’ve been to the old towns of Aarau and...
It’s tough going, here at the Open Spaces residency—inspiration strikes at all hours, and at all hours I’m either researching online, or in the studio applying my research to canvas. It’ll get tougher, as the end of residency show opens on 15 November, and I’m not...
One of the reasons I came to the Open Spaces residency (apart from the cool weather, fresh air and lots of dairy), was to experience and explore the local carnival. Switzerland’s carnival is usually pre-Lent (like ours used to be, and like Carriacou still insists),...
On Sunday, 15 October, our home away from home, Schulhaus 139, Feutersoey, Gsteig bei Gstaad was the place to be for the one-day Berglauf-Arnensee mountain run. The popular competition was open to young and old, to run all or some of the 7km from the school to Lake...
Yesterday I took the train to Vevey to visit the Historical Museum, in search of François Aimé Louis Dumoulin: A man of Vevey…who ended up in the West Indies. Two hours or so later, I met my sister-in-law at the station, and we took the scenic route to the museum,...
Four days ago, I went to the devils’ mountain. I crossed the Peak Walk, the first suspension bridge worldwide that connects two peaks, and walked on a bed of eternal ice, part of the Glacier 3000 experience in the Diablerets massif of the Bernese Alps. I stood midway...