14734561953 artstung@gmail.com
Vecco Basquiat

Vecco Basquiat

Background: I have translated artists’ works on war, migration, desolation and isolation, in particular with reference to works featuring pierrot, harlequin, clown or acrobat figures, precursor to our present day ShortKnee. ShortKnee can be traced back to the spoken...
Picasso’s Chantuelles

Picasso’s Chantuelles

Old Jester and Young HarlequinBackground: I have translated artists’ works on war, migration, desolation and isolation, in particular with reference to works featuring pierrot, harlequin, clown or acrobat figures, precursor to our present day ShortKnee....
Memories of Andorra 2008

Memories of Andorra 2008

In 2008 I went to Andorra to participate in an international art camp with about 39 other artists. One of the best experiences of my life. This year, the Andorra camp was held again in July and from the photos on the link, I can see they all had a great time...

The “Olla” Technique for Deep Watering

I found this online and am going to try this technique on my plants for the park. Recycling and conservation in one.Southern Rockies Nature Blog: The “Olla” Technique for Deep Watering: “It is raining right now, hurray, but rain cannot be counted on...

In Toronto a park is named for Augustine

InsideToronto Article: Park named for AugustineThis is a prime example about our need for 100 green spaces. A park is named for a Grenadian living in Canada, and in Grenada few, if any parks (not playing fields and sporting venues) exist.