14734561953 artstung@gmail.com
Blue milk jug

Blue milk jug

10/13/2009 8:56 AMYesterday I painted three works inspired by VG. I started on a fourth but my enthusiasm had run out like a kitchen sink emptying of water. I went to wash my dishes instead that had been sitting in dirty solitude for a few days.I have used crotons as...
Me and Van Gogh this week so far

Me and Van Gogh this week so far

I am worn out. Deep in the bone tired of watching the walls in my space that are plain and clear of paintings. Just full of nails and tacks where paintings once hung or where they were supposed to hang. Downstairs I have a room with lots of arts supplies and...
My red period

My red period

Everyone has the blues. Mine have been so bad that I have begun to paint with red to get myself back on tract. The intense heat (90F) of the past few months, broken – and made worse – by occasional scattered showers has crippled me. Two fans going, upwards...

I own a jungle

Sunday, October 04, 2009 I own a jungle. Complete with lizards, spiders, millipedes and a garden snake, it surrounds my house as far as the eye can see, well at least as far as my eye can see. My jungle is barely five feet from my kitchen window. On windy days, it is...


I am taking a leaf from Van Gogh, painting my life and the life around me, finding his works here at home. I don’t think I shall achieve 900 works, but I hope to achieve 5{7be53c347edc93dd53d32315dd5e13accfceff0591d7e48b64940a69993424f5} at least. My pieces use...
Cuba revisited

Cuba revisited

When I visited Havana in 2006 for the bienale, there was so much to see, and so little time. But always there was an air of expectation, of waiting to exhale, of waiting, just waiting.These small sketches were done on the move. I was in the back of a car, and fast...