It all came together at the last minute. The Grenada Arts Council recently hosted Revolution: An art perspective – new works depicting aspects of the Grenada Revolution years 1979-1983, and I had nada. I had previously painted two rabid mongoose...
Grasp of the silk cotton 4These images are influenced by a 1956 lithograph signed in pencil by Mexican painter José David Alfaro Siqueiros, simply titled Figura, depicting an unsettling image of a figure in a tree.Grasp of the silk cotton 5It is this unsettlement that...
from the series Chantuelle: Our Present ImageThese images are influenced by a 1947 work by Mexican muralist and social realist painter José David Alfaro Siqueiros, titled Our Present Image. Siqueiros believed art should be public, educational, and ideological. This is...
These works are influenced by Augusto Marin’s 1977 El Defensor. In search for strong images to continue my ShortKnee translations, I came upon this image a few months ago, then subsequently realised that the artist had passed on. On April 18, Augusto Marin, best known...
I have been accepted to attend the 5th World Summit on Arts and Culture being co-hosted by the International Federation of Arts Councils and Culture Agencies (IFACCA) and the Australia Council for the Arts in Melbourne, October 3-6, 2011....
At the invitation of Barcelona fine artist Josep Cañada, poster art taken from my March 2011 exhibition ICON: ShortKnee as Art has been shown at the second Corbera d’Ebre Biennal d’Art (from April 13 to July 3) in Tarragona Spain.Poster art based on Panel 2 of...